Archive | December, 2012

Tacky Wacky

20 Dec

It’s day 70 in first grade and I have to say, “it was the best day ever.” I surely hope your child came home with as much excitement as I did!
My day began with a wonderful holiday breakfast given by the PTA and social committee! First grade teachers won for the best outfits!!!

The kids came running in the door looking for peppermint and displaying their tacky clothes!

Little did they know, the fun had just begun! All first graders went to be cafeteria for some holiday fun! Each class got to dance, even with Dr. Richard and Mrs. Anders.

😍😍😍Check out our great class picture!! 😊😊😊

We received another treat of listening to the 5th grade bells! Now wait, the last competition was the judging of best outfits by Dr. Richard and Mrs. Anders! Congrats to Wyatt and Jessica!



After lunch, the day was full with more excitement!!! A visit from our book buddies! Then A COLD PACKAGE arrived from the North Pole! Each student got a letter from their elf!



Lastly, Mrs, Dorneman came in to our class for a LEGO lesson! If you haven’t signed up for WEP, this is an awesome class!!

I am so grateful to be your child’s teacher! I am truly blessed by your support and trust! Thanks for the wonderful gifts throughout the week!

Happy Holidays and see you in 2013!!!!!


Holidays Around the World

18 Dec

We have enjoyed our travels around the world. Their bags are coming home today, so be on the lookout! The students should be able to explain each activity inside!
Your special present is also coming home! I know you will treasure it!

The party was a huge success! Thanks to all those who sent in things! The food was yummy!

Happy holidays from the Zoo Crew!! I can’t wait to see tacky wacky Wednesday tomorrow…..



Polar Express Day

14 Dec

This is one of my favorite days as a teacher! Kids dressed in their pjs and robes, and all the teachers in their comfy clothes too! The room was changed into a long train and everyone boarded with their special ticket!
Even better, Mrs. McGoff’s class joined us for the story! Can you visualize parts of the book without looking at the pictures?



We got to act out the story as well!! We had a conductor and a special girl receive the first gift of Christmas!

We ended with yummy hot cocoa!


Wait, during our train ride, we took a derailment! A special treat from Colby’s family!! A great Christmas story was read and dad did a great job acting out! The students made cute ornaments too!!


Saint Lucia Day

13 Dec

Today the students traveled to Sweden! I hope they can tell you about the star boys and St. Lucia and her maidens! Our St. Lucia was Carleigh, can someone tell me why? We marched in a parade and listened to music!!


The students are excited about tomorrow! We made a glyph to find out what they already know! I expressed how tomorrow is more about the BOOK! 14 kids have never heard the story…

Be on the lookout tomorrow for info!!


12/12/12 @ 12:12

12 Dec

What are you doing today on December 12, 2012! It will most likely not occur again my our lifetime! The kids had fun brainstorming different ways and places they see the number 12!! These pictures are their “think outside the box!” What do you see when you see the number 12? Clock, bowling ball, water slide, a girl going to a birthday party, flag, race car driver, football jersey are just to name a few!!


What a treat from Mrs. Brown! Our mystery reader read a wonderful book entitled The Mitten and the kids made garland to put on a tree outside to feed the animals! Look for them in your child’ s backpack!


The Grinch

11 Dec

How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a perfect book that leads to many activities! We discussed the author’s purpose behind the book and what were 3 things they can learn from the grinch!! Can they tell you what is a simile? I hope they will use them in their writings now! Now we all are singing the song!!



Guest blogger Jessica

7 Dec

It has been a fun week for Jessica! She loved the class asking her questions! Today she wrote about her week!


She wrote:
My mom is coming today. I am ickided!

Holidays Around the World

4 Dec

We have boarded a plane and have begun our travels around the world. Our first place was Kenya. Can you child locate it on the map? Mrs. Day talked about Father Christmas riding in on an elephant and everyone playing drums. The students made some awesome drums.
Next, today we traveled to the Philippines! Where is it located? What three facts did you learn? Use the pictures below as clues. Stay tuned! Tomorrow we travel to Holland!


We are collecting all of their activities into a holiday bag and will not be sent home until the end of next week!!!