Archive | January, 2014

Happy January

23 Jan

What a crazy January…late openings because of frigid temperatures and now our 3rd day of ‘NO SCHOOL BECAUSE OF THE SNOW..” I can’t wait to hear about all their sledding adventures, snow ball fights, forts being built, drinking hot chocolate, watching movies, and hopefully doing a little reading! It gave me a chance to catch up on lots of work, including this blog! 

We are focusing on the magic e rule over the next few weeks. Not only being able to read it, but also writing it! I hope you enjoyed their ‘SNEAKY E’ PUPPETS….We will continue to practice the various vowel patterns as well(ai, ay, a_e, short a, etc). There are so many rules in the English Language!


Our sound unit was a huge hit! The students learned about volume, pitch, and loud and sound sounds. I loved the instruments they made and the bands were a huge hit! We have some singers in the classroom! Image

The WEAVER READS book has also been a great hit this month! We enjoyed the author visit and I can tell many of you are reading a chapter each night! 

As we come to the end of the nine weeks, I will be sending home how their reading (DRA) levels and how their writing is coming along! I cannot believe we are halfway through first grade! We are getting ready to begin my favorite month, FEBRUARY, with our patriotic unit, presidents study, Valentine’s Day, and the 100th day of school! 

**Look in your child’s folder for the “I need letter.” They are very low on supplies, especially pencils, glue sticks, and crayons!

Enjoy another snow day! My boys and I will be doing some more sledding in my backyard! 
