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20 Jan

What is symmetry? The students had so much fun today learning about this new WOW word. I heard things like “this is cool” and “I love it.” Don’t be surprised if they come home asking for a Mira! We can make some awesome snowflakes now!





Happy Thanksgiving

29 Nov

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We hosted and cooked enough food to have leftovers for days. See everyone Monday.
Great game for the Hokies!





Grandparent Gala

25 Nov

What a wonderful day…I truly enjoyed meeting everyone today. The students did a great job introducing their special loves one to me. We all enjoyed listening to ways schools are the same and different than the past. I even learned some new things about schools in the past. We will share more information tomorrow on their favorite book, toy, and food. Enjoy the pictures. The students even got to meet my grandma and Mrs. Bettie Weaver. Happy Thanksgiving!





50th day of school

12 Nov

What a exciting and fun day!! We continued our learning about past and present with a study about the 1950’s. What can your child tell you about facts they learned?


The “sockhop” was a huge hit! They learned the hi-jive and had a hula-hoop contest. Then we let loose and danced away!!



A Busy Classroom

20 Oct

Wow, the students are becoming great workers! We have completed some fun units over the last two weeks!

Our GLOBAL READS project is a huge success! We love reading Peter Reynolds books and connecting with our class friends from NY. We even facetimed with them today! Even Mrs. D is reading books to us to help us make text to text and text to self connections.

What connections can your child make to other books?



Last week, we spent all week discussing teamwork! We built Legos as a team, had relay races, and discussed where do we need to work together as a team. Jersey day was fun too!



We are starting to get postcards from our geography pets! We love to locate the places on the map.


Tomorrow we will dig into various Halloween stories and begin working on writing and retelling the stories! Can they name the beginning, middle, and end of the story?

Math Halloween tubs are a huge hit in the classroom! Thanks for all those who sent in goodies! We are working on telling addition and subtraction stories! Look for more things to come ….

Zookeeper of the Week-Our First Blogger

10 Oct

Today, we conclude with Johann who was out first Zookeeper of the Week. He is our 1st blogger of the school year.

Here is what he thinks about first grade:(Yes, he is typing!)

My  fafrthing  is  playing  indoor  ress.And  dooing   math   and  suding   maps.And  dooing  mathstashin. I love first gade.

(My favorite is playing indoor recess. And doing math and studying maps. And doing math stations. I love first grade!)

photo 1 photo 2 (1)

Johnny Appleseed Day

29 Sep

What a fun day! It smelled good and looked like apples everywhere!!

The students enjoyed learning the facts about John Chapman. What does it mean to be an opinion? Can you name 3 facts that you learned?


We were scientists all day and studied apples by using our observation skills. The students want to know what will apples look like tomorrow?
Can you use the pictures below to tell the steps to make applesauce? Use those good transition words (first, next, then, last.)


The students were excited and happy all day! Enjoy the pictures!




Our Global Read Classroom

24 Sep

We met through FaceTime our class from NY!! Boy, did we learn a lot! Ask your child what they learned!


Today is National Punctuation Day! We talked about what every sentence needs and made ourselves as punctuation marks!


Lastly, we met our 4th grade book buddies! What a treat and a nice way to end our day! Can you child tell you 3 things they learned about them today?

Daily 5

23 Sep

The pictures below show the students at Daily 5. Ask them to describe the pictures for you!





The students will move their clips as they switch stations!


We CAN read and write!

21 Sep

Over the last two weeks we have been working hard on reading and writing. We have built up our stamina and love to “read to self” and “read to buddy.” The students know what it should both look and sound like. This week we will start the Daily 3…


The students are going to love writing. We have our “topic pocket” ideas and can now write a letter, make a book, and write a scribble story.


Ask your child what happened on Friday? We had some FaceTime with our Global class from NY! We can’t wait to meet the students during FaceTime on Tuesday. Ask your child what they saw in that classroom? What were similar things to our classroom?